Women’s Ministry
She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
- Proverbs 31:25
The women of Peachtree Corners meet regularly to study the Bible together. Bible study meets at the church on Wednesday mornings at 9:00am
Women’s Ministry
Our Women’s Ministry serves to bring us together as we grow in our faith and ability to serve the church and God’s Kingdom. We have yearly events like the Christmas Tea, Book Exchange events, Mom’s Day Out, and the Women’s Retreat every spring. Our Women’s circles provide opportunities to get connected with a smaller group and fellowship as we study the Bible together.
Join a Women’s Circle
Linda Vick Circle
This group meets on the 2nd Monday of each month and is currently studying “Faithfully in the Face of Apostasy” by Raymond Dillard
Marshburn Circle
This group meets on the First Tuesday of each month and is about to start a new study topic! Check back for more info!
Morning Fellowship Bible Study
This group meets every Thursday morning and is studying The Life of Jesus
Sabbath Bible Study
Meets the first Sunday of every month and is going through Simeon Trust Curriculum on How to Study the Bible