We can’t wait to meet you.
Welcoming all people to become one people in Christ.
Get to know us:
What to Expect
Members typically dress in casual or dressy casual attire.
Sunday School
We offer Sunday School for all ages at 9:30 AM, from kindergarten to adults.
We’ll start worship promptly at 10:45 AM.
We sing a variety of music–from traditional hymns to psalms.
A nursery with a trained background staff and volunteers for babies and toddlers is available during Sunday School and church.
Lord’s Supper
We celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of each month. All baptized members in good standing at a Christian Church are invited to partake.
Our Mission
Welcoming all people to become one people in Christ.
Families with Children
In Worship
Children of all ages are welcome in our worship services. The way we welcome children in church affects the way they respond to the Church, God, and to others.
Sunday School
Children of all ages are welcome in our worship services. The way we welcome children in church affects the way they respond to the Church, God, and to others.
Children of all ages are welcome in our worship services. The way we welcome children in church affects the way they respond to the Church, God, and to others.
En español
A todos los hispanohablantes les damos una cordial bienvenida.
Nosotros somos una Iglesia Presbiteriana ARP firmemente anclada en la Palabra de Dios. Nuestro deseo es invitarles a nuestra iglesia, servirles de la mejor manera y presentarles el evangelio del Señor Jesucristo.