Music Ministry
The Music Ministry at PCARP seeks to glorify God and edify his people through hymns, songs, and spiritual songs (Eph. 5:19). Our Adult Choir leads the hymns each week and sings anthems in a classical choral style. Our goal is not to perform for the congregation, but rather engage and bless the congregation as we point to Christ and lift our voices in praise.
Our adult choir meets every Sunday from 2:45 - 4 in the music room.
Join us as we worship together and prepare music to sing in worship services. No experience necessary.
Email director Duane White at dwhite@pcarpchurch.org for more details.
Adult Choir
Children and youth choirs meet right before Sunday School at 9:00am every week in the Children’s wing. Our mission is to instill a love for worship through music in the hearts of our children through making a joyful noise and leading in worship services.
Children and Youth Choir
The Bonclarken Music Conference is a staple of the ARP music ministry. Each year, world-class clinicians are brought in to lead in a week of music-making and fellowship with other ARP churches. There are festival choirs for all age groups. Breakout sessions led by the clinicians are available for the adults while the children and youth are able to enjoy all of the activities that Bonclarken has to offer. The week culminates on Friday with a concert that features each choir. All ages and levels of musical experience are welcome! This is a week you don’t want to miss.