Upcoming Events
Christmas Eve Service
We hope you'll join us on Christmas Eve as we celebrate the birth of Jesus together! We’ll reflect on the hope and beauty of Christ’s birth in this shorter, family-friendly service.
Lessons and Carols
Gather with friends, family, or come as you are for a meaningful evening of Lessons and Carols. In the midst of an often hectic season, we will carve out a space to prepare for the coming of Jesus through Scripture, song, and candlelight.
Womens Ministry Christmas Tea
Join us for our beloved annual Christmas Tea where we gather together for fellowship, laughter, delicious food and an inspirational Christmas message to celebrate the Advent season.

Reformation Picnic
The heart of the Reformation is the gospel. Invite your neighbors and join us as we celebrate the day which launched the Protestant Church with food, music and fellowship immediately following the church service.

Jubilee Celebration Lunch
In celebration and support of women missionaries, join us in the Fellowship Hall immediately after worship for lunch and cake following Corporate Worship.
From its early history, the ARP Church has felt the call to take the Gospel throughout the world, and ARP Women’s Ministries has continued to make supporting missions a priority. In 1925, our ARP Women began the Jubilee Birthday Celebration and the Jubilee Birthday Fund to mark the first 50 years of missionary service by our denomination and the sending out of the first ARP missionary (based on Lev. 25:11). Both continue to bring awareness and support to ARP missions.

Family Bible Conference
Bring the whole family to Bonclarken this summer for Family Bible Conference
When: July 29 - Aug 1, 2024
Where: Bonclarken Conference Center
This years speakers include, Charles Barrett and Dr. Derek Thomas.

Music Conference
When: July 14-19, 2024
Where: Bonclarken Conference Center
Music Conference is a wonderful opportunity for all ages to enjoy a great time of fellowship, music, and fun! Participants enjoy singing in choirs grouped by age and led by renowned clinicians.

Women’s Ministry Retreat
Join us for the Women’s Retreat this April 26-28 at the Pinnacle retreat center with guest speaker Dawn Mooring.
Please contact the women’s ministry for registration informaton.

Daily Holy Week Services
Join us in preparation of Christ’s death and resurrection. We have daily services between Palm Sunday and Easter and would love to worship with you!
Sunday 3/24 - Palm Sunday Service 10:45am
Mon - Wed - Daily Services 12-12:30pm
Thursday 3/28 - Maundy Thursday Service 7-8pm
Friday 3/29 - Good Friday Service 12-12:30pm
Sunday 3/31 - Easter Sunday Service 10:45am

King of the Ages Bilingual Service
Peachtree Corners ARP Church presents “King of the Ages”, a bilingual celebration of the coming of our Lord featuring the combined voices of The PCARP choir and El coro de la Iglesia Bautista el Calvario.
Admission is Free

Hanging of the Greens
Join us as we sing carols, enjoy refreshments, and get the church ready for the Christmas Season

Family Bible Conference
When: July 24-27
Where: Bonclarken Retreat Center
Family Bible Conference is a conference for the entire family! Powerful Bible teaching, helpful seminars, and family activities highlight this great week.

Bonclarken Music Conference
When: July 9-14, 2023
Where: Bonclarken Conference Center
Music Conference is a wonderful opportunity for all ages to enjoy a great time of fellowship, music, and fun! Participants enjoy singing in choirs grouped by age and led by renowned clinicians. Other activities include Meet the Composer, reading sessions, voice lessons, and more!
Participant Registration Opens April 1, 2023
Housing Registrations Opens May 1, 2023

Mom and Me Art Week
Save the date for the return of our summer Mom & Me art week at Peachtree Corners Presbyterian Church!
WHO: Moms and their kids ages PreK - 5th Grade*
WHAT: Singing, Daily Art Lessons, & Service Project
WHEN: June 27 - July 1, 10 - 12:30
COST: $15 per person, - financial assistance available
*Nursery will be provided for infants - toddlers

Women's Retreat
Join us for a retreat at Pinnacle Retreat Center for a time of learning, fellowship, and worship.
Our guest speaker this year is Sarah Dagenhart.
Sarah Dagenhart is wife of our former pastor, Barry Dagenhart and has 2 adult children and 4 grandchildren. She has a bachelor’s degree in Christian Education from Erskine College and an MA in Teaching from Winthrop University.

Easter Sunday Service
Join us in preparation of Christ’s death and resurrection. We have daily services between Palm Sunday and Easter and would love to worship with you!
Sunday 4/2 - Palm Sunday Service 10:45am
Mon - Wed - Daily Services 12-12:30pm
Thursday 4/6 - Maundy Thursday Service 7-8pm
Friday 4/7 - Good Friday Service 12-12:30pm
Sunday 2/9 - Easter Sunday Service 10:45am

Daily Holy Week Services
Join us in preparation of Christ’s death and resurrection. We have daily services between Palm Sunday and Easter and would love to worship with you!
Sunday 4/2 - Palm Sunday Service 10:45am
Mon - Wed - Daily Services 12-12:30pm
Thursday 4/6 - Maundy Thursday Service 7-8pm
Friday 4/7 - Good Friday Service 12-12:30pm
Sunday 2/9 - Easter Sunday Service 10:45am

Palm Sunday
Join us in preparation of Christ’s death and resurrection. We have daily services between Palm Sunday and Easter and would love to worship with you!
Sunday 4/2 - Palm Sunday Service 10:45am
Mon - Wed - Daily Services 12-12:30pm
Thursday 4/6 - Maundy Thursday Service 7-8pm
Friday 4/7 - Good Friday Service 12-12:30pm
Sunday 2/9 - Easter Sunday Service 10:45am

Easter Light Event
This special service at the Mansions Retirement home will feature a choral performance by our Children and Youth choirs. Contact Childrens Ministry Director, Cindy Aguilar, or Music Director, Duane White, for more information.

Middle School Retreat
Our middle school retreat to Bonclarken is this weekend. Reach out to Michael Kirkland for registration questions and more information.

High School Retreat
Our high school retreat to Bonclarken is this weekend. Reach out to Michael Kirkland for registration questions and more information.

Art Lesson with Hannah
Come explore your creativity as Hannah takes us through a painting demonstration.
$5 - all materials included. You will be able to take your very own work of art home at the end of the day

Spaghetti Dinner
Come help our youth students raise funds for upcoming youth retreats at Bonclarken! $15/person buys a homecooked spaghetti dinner and deserts. Gluten free options are available for no additional cost.

Christmas Day
We will have our regular Sunday Morning Worship service on Sunday December 25th at 10:45. Sunday school and Sunday evening activities have been cancelled

Christmas Eve Service
Come join us for Carols, Fellowship, and the proclamation of the Gospel on Christmas Eve at 5pm.

Christmas Concert
This special Lessons and Carols Service will be presented in both English and Spanish, featuring carols by the Georgia Boy Choir and the Peachtree Corners ARP adult choir.

Thanksgiving Fellowship & Potluck
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Mother's Day Out
This is where you should put all the information about this event so it’s not a mystery for your guests or people who aren’t familiar with your community.

New Sermon Series
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