Men’s Ministry
As iron sharpens iron, we encourage all men in the church to plug into a men's group to help them to be more like Christ and better spiritual leaders in their families by furthering their understanding of the Scriptures, getting to know and fellowship with other men in the church, and praying for each other's needs.
Join us as we submit ourselves to scripture, study together, pray together, and gather together for fellowship and service that we may grow together in our love for the Lord, our love for our families, and our love for each other, the church, and the lost.
Paul Dillon leads an evening men's group, which is currently studying The Psalms
Jon Fowler leads an evening men's group, which is currently working through Randy Alcorn's study of what the Scriptures say about Heaven.
Jim Moran leads a lunchtime men's group, which is currently studying the Beatitudes in the Gospel of Matthew."